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About Us: Introduction/Affiliations

The South Carolina Conference Board of Laity provides ministry for, by, and with the laity of the United Methodist Church.
            Currently the board has five task groups (ministry areas):
                        Spiritual Formation
                        Lay Speaking Ministries
                        Laity Convocation
                        Leadership Development

            This site was created by the Stewardship task group.

            The Stewardship Task Group
                        In 1998 the Stewardship Task Group created and distributed surveys to clergy and lay members of the United Methodist churches in South Carolina. As a result of the survey and response Gifted to Give: Stewardship Alive was produced. To further respond to the needs of the congregations in South Carolina and their need for stewardship resources this web site was created. Members of the task group include:
            The Conference Treasurer
            The editor of the Advocate
            Brenda Hook, Chairperson
            Joseph Heyward, Conference Lay Leader
            Jim Arant, Staff liaison
            M. Michael Bruce
            Clifford T. Whisnant
            Charles A. Graves
            Roger Gramling, President United Methodist Foundation

Here's a subheading

This is the place where the copy goes and this is how it looks. This is the place where the copy goes and this is how it looks. This is the place where the copy goes and this is how it looks. Here's a link to the About Us page.

Copyright 2004 The South Carolina Conference Council on Ministries, Nurture Section, The United Methodist Church