UMCSC Disaster Recovery has received a $50,000 grant from the One SC Fund to help families rebuild and repair homes that were damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Florence.

“We are grateful for this grant from the One SC Fund, which will be used to provide case management services in Chesterfield and Marlboro Counties,” said Tim Whitten, director of UMCSC Disaster Recovery. “During the early phases of long-term recovery, case management plays a vital role in helping survivors work through the process of recovery.
“Hundreds of individuals in Chesterfield and Marlboro Counties still have significant unmet needs. Case managers are the link that helps those individuals get connected to the funding partners in those communities.”
The grant was part of $365,000 the One SC Fund awarded to nine non-profit groups:
- South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church: Disaster case management in Chesterfield and Marlboro Counties.
- Catholic Charities of South Carolina: Home recovery/rebuild, materials, disaster case management, and other disaster-related unmet needs in Dillon County.
- Church of the Brethren Disaster Ministries: Home recovery/rebuild and mitigation in the town of Nichols in Marion County.
- Darlington County Long-Term Recovery Group: Home recovery/rebuild, water/tree removal, disaster case management, door-to-door community outreach to identify families in poor rural communities, temporary shelter/lodging, and repairs to plumbing, electrical wiring and bug infestation in Darlington County.
- Dillon County Long-Term Recovery Group: Home recovery/rebuild and materials in the towns of Dillon, Latta and Lake View in Dillon County.
- Home Works of America: Home recovery/rebuild, water/tree removal, and materials in Florence County.
- Marion County Long-Term Recovery Group: Home recovery/rebuild and disaster case management in Marion County.
- Marlboro County Long Term Recovery Group: Home recovery/rebuild and materials in Marlboro County.
- United Way of Chesterfield County: Home recovery/rebuild, materials, and disaster case management in Chesterfield County.
The nonprofit grant recipients were selected by a grants committee made up of board members from five Community Foundations in South Carolina, and business and civic leaders. These individuals know their communities well and are able to distribute the funds to areas where the dollars will have the greatest impact.
“The One SC Fund continues to help South Carolinians affected by disaster return home,” says JoAnn Turnquist, president and CEO of Central Carolina Community Foundation. “We are extremely grateful for the many generous donors who have helped these families and individuals.”
Donations to the One SC Fund have come from individuals, organizations, and businesses from across our nation.