The General Commission on Religion and Race of the United Methodist Church condemns in the strongest terms the racist rhetoric of U.S. President Donald Trump. His actions remind us that the work of disrupting and dismantling personal and systemic racism is desperately needed in the world today.
The hurt and outrage being felt all over the world is justified. It is encouraging to witness the counter-revolution of love and justice that is growing as a result. But the work on anti-racism and overturning oppression of all kinds is slow and long. Much longer than the emotions of hurt and anger can sustain.
For those who are seeking a resource to assist your congregations in growing in faith and witness at a time when hate and division is so prevalent, we lift up for your consideration “From Talk About White Privilege to Action: Next Steps on the Anti-Racism Journey.”
This resource can assist your Sunday school or small group to move from talking about race and racism to living into the work of anti-racism and racial justice. We also encourage you to use Human Relations Day Sunday as an opportunity for dialogue and action.
In the coming week, GCORR will be offering additional resources to support leaders who are seeking ways to engage their congregations and communities in dialogue and action for the long haul. Our commitment is to provide resources that challenge and equip leaders to be a relevant and credible witness to the love of God for all people.
Our prayers are with all of the courageous people who stand against hate and oppression and with those who are still finding their voice. May the God of the peaceable realm continue to call us forth into action.