Oct 12, 2016 | Communications, Conference Updates, Connectional Ministries, Disaster Response, Front Page
By Susan Kim umcor.org There’s no set-in-stone guide to appropriate giving, since every disaster is different and needs change every day. But in the spirit of educating donors, the United Methodist Committee on Relief presents “Donate This, Not That!” These guidelines...
Oct 11, 2016 | Communications, Connectional Ministries, Disaster Response, Front Page
Need help? Call the disaster response hotline of the S.C. Conference of the United Methodist Church at 800-390-4911 or email screcovery@umcsc.org. Even before the winds picked up and the rains set in, the good work of South Carolina United Methodists was being felt by...
Oct 5, 2016 | Conference Updates
As Hurricane Matthew approaches the South Carolina coast, we pray for the safety of everyone in the storm’s path. We urge people to take precautions and evacuate coastal areas as ordered by state officials. We know that in these times, people, especially...
Sep 28, 2016 | Upcoming Events
1) Saturday, October 1, 2016 at St. John’s UMC located at 321 South Oakland Avenue in Rock Hill, SC 29730 from 9-5. 2) Saturday, October 29, 2016 at Grace UMC located at 309 East Cedar Rock Street; Pickens, SC 29671 from 9:30-5. 3) Saturday,...
Sep 8, 2016 | Flood Recovery
Hurricane Hermine hit Florida then came in across SC as a tropical storm still packing wind gust to 60 mph and heavy down pours of flooding rain on Friday, September 2, 2016. Many trees fell in the wake of the storm and none more so that in Orangeburg County. Fire...