What is SIM?
- Students in Mission is designed for United Methodist young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 who have completed at least one year in an institution of higher education.
- It is an opportunity to serve as a missionary for the summer in authentic mission sites within South Carolina.
- It is a meaningful experience in intentional Christian living, faith in action and spiritual formation.
- The program is sponsored by the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.
- Mission sites are developed by local churches, districts, urban and rural ministries, community centers, and social services agencies.
- Expose young adults to the mission of the church
- Encourage and develop vocational discernment of young adults
- Assist the church in carrying out specialized ministries
- Stimulate the church in developing new ministries
- Extend the missional outreach of the church
- Make the church aware, through young adults, of needs in South Carolina
Former missioners say:
- “Students in Mission gave me a glimpse of how a community can function and through this a better understanding of what the Church can be.”
- “One of the greatest intercultural, innercity, interdenominational and inter-racial experiences imaginable.”
- “SIM is a summer of learning, coping, enjoying personalities, discovering mission, meeting the Church, grabbing, struggling, playing and understanding.”
- “One major fulfillment I saw was that I got a chance to go into an area unfamiliar to me and learn their way of life and also let them see my kind of life.”
- “A welcome opportunity to do exactly what I wanted with the added benefits of working within the guidance of an organized structure . . . My word for the summer is Amen!”
- “The SIM community gave me enjoyment, friendship, togetherness, and concern for one another and a sense of unity. SIM gave me a chance to put into practice my concept of mission in an environment that was new to me. It gave me an opportunity to help meet people’s needs.”