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UMM Honors Fire Fighters

UMM Honors Fire Fighters

The men of Simpsonville United Methodist Church (Greenville District, SC UMM) recently honored the local firefighters by presenting the “Strength for Service” Devotion Book to each member of the Fire Department.  Pictured to the left is Simpsonville UMM President, Howard Bare, presenting the books to the Fire Chief Wesley Williams.
Also pictured are:

Nick Boone……..Lieutenant

Darren Kuykendall…….Engineer

Ethan Tucker…….Firefighter
The “Strength for Service” devotion book contains a devotion for each day of the year, including those for special holidays and other special devotions of various faiths.  A similar book was provided to US Military Personnel in WWII.  It has been updated and approved by the DOD for distribution to service personnel.  They are provided in bulk to military Chaplains and unit commanders (upon request) to give to men and women serving in the Armed Services, especially those in harm’s way, such as Iraq and Afghanistan.  The General Commission on United Methodist Men, administers the program, through a newly formed 501(3)c non-profit group.  Over 450,000 books have been printed and distributed.  The program is now being expanded and developed as a community service book for distribution to those in fire, police and EMS services.  It is a service project of United Methodist Men nationwide.  Additional information can be obtained at

Chief Williams stated reading/sharing the daily devotions would be a good way for each Firefighter to start their shift.

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