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interracial-hands200x200S.C. Stories of Racial Awakening: Your stories wanted for new Advocate project

The Advocate is now accepting submissions from United Methodist lay or clergy (any race, gender, ethnicity) for the South Carolina Stories of Racial Awakening Project.

Submissions selected for publication will receive $50 courtesy of an anonymous donor helping with the project. The Advocate will select up to 10 narratives to be published in the Advocate, one a month for 10 months.

The submission should be a narrative about how you went from a negative, exclusionary view about another racial or ethnic group to beliefs and practices that are positive and inclusive. The narrative should honestly and vividly describe the writer’s previous attitudes and behaviors (and reasons for them) toward people of a different race/ethnicity, why and how that changed and how the change is manifest in the author’s current behaviors.

To submit and for further guidelines, click here:

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