Conference News
Bishop Holston: “Be a blessing” as we take the next faithful step
Voting is more than simply saying what we believe. It is a sharing of faith, a tangible witness of love of God and love of neighbor. Voting is a way to acknowledge that we are one community, all in this together.
Urgent action by local UMC churches needed regarding potential Scouting liability
The South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church has an absolute and unwavering commitment to creating a...
Bishop Holston: Voting is an opportunity to witness to our faith
Voting is more than simply saying what we believe. It is a sharing of faith, a tangible witness of love of God and love of neighbor. Voting is a way to acknowledge that we are one community, all in this together.
ELCC grant-writing webinar set for Nov. 17
Click here to register by November 12 Click here to register by November 12
2020 South Carolina Annual Conference
Watch the replay of AC2020: First all-virtual AC2020 completed smoothly amid...
2021 HealthFlex enrollment open through Nov. 12
The open enrollment period for 2021 health insurance benefits for clergy and employees of the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church opens Oct. 28.
Follow along with AC2020 live online this Saturday
The 2020 South Carolina Annual Conference convenes this Saturday, Oct. 17, in a virtual session for the first time ever to protect all participants amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
LSM Laity/Clergy Partnership Service set for Oct. 9
Lay Servant Ministries' Laity/Clergy Partnership and Awards Service is scheduled this year as a...
World Communion Sunday is Oct. 4
Safe Communion Guidance Often, United Methodist pastors are burdened with debt resulting from loans to complete...
Virtual Summit on the Black Church set for Oct. 3
The 2020 Summit on the Black Church of the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church will...
Tips for local churches applying for PPP loan forgiveness
Latest guidance for local churches on COVID-19 loan program Many local churches in...
Register by Friday, Sept. 25, for Virtual AC2020
The 2020 South Carolina Annual Conference will convene October 17 as an all-virtual session to ensure the health and safety of lay and clergy delegates amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.