Hartsville District Lay Servant Ministries
We proudly serve the Hartsville District in the roles of caring, leading and communicating.
We are available to serve you when the opportunity arises. Upon invitation from a pastor or committee chairperson, we will speak at local churches for special occasions, programs or meetings.
We provide speakers to conduct worship services at a local nursing home. They are trained and well prepared to be caring and to do an excellent job in that setting.
We have well-prepared speakers to fill pulpits in the absence of your pastor. We prefer to have advance notice, but are capable of filling the need in an emergency or with short notice.
We are ready and eager to serve. We encourage you to call upon us.
The Hartsville District offers Lay Servant courses each spring and fall, including a basic Lay Servant course along with two or three advanced courses each session. We periodically offer refresher and youth basic courses. Upon request, we can come to your local church to offer a course, as needed.
We are here ready, willing and able to serve. Let us fill your needs.
Sha’Rome Henry
Hartsville District Director
803-786-9486 (office)
803-420-9351 (cell)
Hartsville District Lay
Servant Training
S.C. Conference
Lay Servant Ministries
United Methodist Church
Lay Servant Ministries
Lay Servant Ministries Forms