Saturday, Oct. 26
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
(9 a.m.-1 p.m. for ERT renewal)
Aldersgate UMC
This training comes with UMCOR certification and will help you safely serve on a UMCSC Early Response Team with confidence.
There is no cost for this training event.
Lunch will be provided.
How You Can Help
● For those affected
● For first responders
● For volunteers
● For community
● Suggested prayers from
Discipleship Ministries
● In your community
through your church
● Build and donate
UMCOR Cleaning Buckets
● Build and donate
UMCOR Hygiene Kits
● With South Carolina
United Methodist
Disaster Response
● Get trained as an
Early Response Team member
● Be present in your community
● Open your church to provide meals, water, showers, charging, WiFi access, a place to rest, whatever your community needs
● Give to UMCOR
● Give to SC Disaster Response
● Donate necessities most
needed by those affected
How To Get Help

Help Rebuild Communities
and Restore Hope!
Have you ever thought about serving as a volunteer to help provide relief to people who have experienced devastation from tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, fires, or other natural and man-made disasters?
It’s a reality that could affect any of us or our neighbors, and when disaster strikes, swift and caring help makes all the difference.
For years, South Carolina has been home to a strong and committed Disaster Response Ministry, and we are deeply grateful to God and to the countless volunteers who have served faithfully. However, as churches have separated from our conference, it has impacted our disaster response teams. The good news? The United Methodist Church in South Carolina is still alive, active, and ready to serve!
Help Us Continue this Legacy of Service!
We need your help to rebuild our teams so that we can continue to provide the swift, capable, and compassionate response that has been an important part of our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We have a plan in place to ensure that there will be no gap in relief efforts as we rebuild our teams. With the support of neighboring United Methodist Conferences and ongoing communication with disaster response coordinators throughout the Southeastern Jurisdiction, we’re working together to collaborate, share resources, and provide training for anyone with a heart to serve in this critical ministry.
Additionally, we are partnering with local emergency management, early responders, relief agencies and local church and community volunteers to strengthen our coordinated efforts. Now, more than ever, we need YOU to help make a difference!
How Can You Get Involved?
No special skills? No tools? No problem!
There are so many ways to serve in disaster relief, from coordinating volunteer efforts and managing relief supplies to learning hands-on tasks like tarping roofs to prevent further damage, clearing debris, and cutting trees off homes.
The South Carolina Conference Disaster Response Ministries Team, in collaboration with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), will provide you with all the training and support you need to become an effective and confident volunteer.
Together, We Can Make an Impact!
Our neighbors need us, and we are ready to respond – will you join us? Whether you’ve served before or are new to disaster relief, we welcome your help in bringing hope and healing to those in need.
If you want to learn more or you know someone who would be interested in joining this vital ministry, please contact us today. Together, we can continue to be the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out in love to those who are suffering.
Get Involved!
Contact Millie Nelson Smith at mnelsonsmith@umcsc.org.
Download flyer to share with potential volunteers.
Download social media image to share with potential volunteers.
Get Involved!
Millie Nelson Smith