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All persons not ordained as elders who are appointed to preach and conduct divine worship and perform the duties of a pastor shall have a License for Pastoral Ministry. (¶315)

The Licensing For Pastoral Ministry Studies are a joint enterprise among the dCOM, the BOM and the Division of Ordained Ministry (DOM). The DOM prescribes the curriculum for licensing, but the operation of a licensing school is the BOM’s responsibility. The DOM offers guidelines based on competence in the skills of ministry rather than academic achievement.  The purpose is to provide the best quality of this initial preparation for ministry to individuals entering their first appointments. The school covers areas of theology, polity, administration, preaching, worship, Christian education, mission, evangelism and pastoral care to name a few. Completion of this school is a requirement for anyone seeking to be licensed as a Local Pastor in the United Methodist Church.

Most candidates’ first education about the practice of ministry comes through the licensing studies. However, they are not a substitute for seminary education or the Course of Study schools. These studies are a crash course for those who may be appointed when license studies are completed. The license permits regular appointment and should not be granted unless the faculty recommends that a candidate is fit and has the beginning competencies to be a pastor in charge. Further, granting the license is only the initial stage in ministry. The 80 hours required for completion of studies for licensing does not give adequate preparation for church work. A candidate who is granted a license must continue in education for ministry either through college and seminary or through the Course of Study school. (¶319)

A certified candidate is eligible for appointment as a local pastor upon completion of License for Pastoral Ministry (¶311). 


Session 1: Monday, May 6, 2024 – Friday, May 10, 2024
Session 2: Friday, May 17, 2024- Saturday, May 18, 2024
Session 3: Friday, May 24, 2024 – Saturday, May 25, 2024

$25 Registration Fee

Register Now

  • Required Materials that you should have available for each class: a Bible, a UM Hymnal and the 2016 Book of Discipline.

School Leaders & Instructors

Portrait of David

Rev. David McManus
Manning UMC Pastor

Portrait of Shawna

Rev. Shawna Darnall
Trinity UMC Pastor

Portrait of Anthony

Rev. Dr. Anthony Hodge
Rock Hill Superintendent

Portrait of David

Rev. Telley Gadson
Hartsville Superintendent

Portrait of Steve

Rev. Steve Patterson
Anderson Superintendent

Portrait of Robert

Rev. Robert Cox
Church Administration Consultant

Portrait of Angela

Rev. Angela Marshal
St John’s UMC Pastor

Portrait of Chris

Rev. Chris Lollis
Conference Benefits Officer

Portrait of James

Rev. James Friday
Conference Congregational Development Director

Portrait of Terry

Rev. Terry Fleming
Florence Superintendent

Portrait of Cathy

Beth Westbury
Conference Treasurer

Portrait of Cathy

Rev. Cathy Joens
Conference Congregational Specialist

Portrait of Katherine

Rev. Katherine Haselden Crimm
Kingstree UMC Pastor

Portrait of Mel

Rev. Melton Arant
Clergy Services Coordinator
Licensing School Dean

Portrait of Tiffany

Rev. Tiffany Knowlin Boykin
Wesley UMC Pastor

Portrait of Nick

Rev. Nick Lyerly
Shiloh & Pine Grove UMCs Pastor

Register Now

Register Now

Register Now

$25 Registration Fee

Session 1: May 6, 2024-May 10, 2024

Meeting IN-PERSON ONLY: Monday through Thursday, Friday is Virtual
In person classes will be at North Orangeburg UMC, 950 Cook Road, Orangeburg, SC 29118
Participants are responsible for making their own reservations for lodging. All meals will be on your own.


Monday, May 6, 2024

  • Morning Devotion
    8:45 am – 9:00 am: led by Rev. Melton Arant
  • United Methodist Tradition (Theology & History)
    9:00 am – 5:00 pm: taught by Rev. David McManus

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

  • Morning Devotion
    8:45 am – 9:00 am: led by Rev. Melton Arant
  • Public Worship/Liturgy, Baptism & Holy Communion
    9:00 am – 5:00 pm: taught by Rev. Shawna Darnall

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

  • Morning Devotion
    8:45 am – 9:00 am: led by Rev. Melton Arant
  • Preaching
    9:00 am – 5:00 pm: taught by Rev. Dr. Anthony Hodge

Thursday, May 9, 2024

  • Morning Devotion
    8:45 am – 9:00 am: led by Rev. Melton Arant
  • Pastoral Care & Counseling
    9:00 am – 12:00 pm: taught by Rev. Telley Gadson
  • Evangelism and Mission
    2:00 pm – 5:00 pm: taught by Rev. Steve Patterson

Friday, May 10, 2024

  • VIRTUAL ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING DAY: Participants will complete assignments related to recorded lessons that can be viewed anytime as long as the assignments and projects contained in the video lessons are complete and turned in by May 10, 2023.
    Wedding and Funerals: Video lessons taught by Rev. Melton Arant, Rev. Tiffany Boykin, and Rev. Nick Lyerly

Session 2: May 17, 2024 – May 18, 2024

VIRTUAL LEARNING SESSION with both synchronous and asynchronous learning using the ZOOM platform.
Participants must be online with the rest of the Licensing School Cohort during synchronous learning days.


Friday, May 17, 2024

  • VIRTUAL SYNCHRONOUS LEARNING DAY: Class will be conducted virtually using ZOOM
  • Morning Devotion
    8:45 am – 9:00 am: led by Rev. Melton Arant
  • Records for membership, giving, financials, personnel, and trustees
    9:00 am – 5:00 pm: taught by Rev. Robert Cox

Saturday, May 18, 2024

  • VIRTUAL ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING DAY: Participants will complete assignments related to recorded lessons that can be viewed anytime as long as the assignments and projects contained in the video lessons are complete and turned in by May 17, 2023.
    Christian Education: Video lessons taught by Rev. Angela Marshall

Session 3: May 24, 2024 – May 25, 2024

VIRTUAL LEARNING SESSION with only synchronous learning using the ZOOM platform.
Participants must be online with the rest of the Licensing School Cohort during synchronous learning days.


Friday, May 24, 2024

  • VIRTUAL SYNCHRONOUS LEARNING DAY: Class will be conducted virtually using ZOOM
  • Morning Devotion
    8:45 am – 9:00 am: led by Rev. Melton Arant
  • Pension & Health Benefits,
    9:00 am – 10:45 am: led by Rev. Chris Lollis,
  • Congregational Development and Cross Racial Ministry
    11:00 am – 12:00 pm: led by Rev. James Friday
  • Leadership, Covenant & Common Sense
    1:30 pm -3:30 pm: led by Rev. Terry Fleming
  • Church and Conference Finance
    3:30- 5:00 pm: led by Beth Westbury

Saturday, May 25, 2024

  • VIRTUAL SYNCHRONOUS LEARNING DAY: Class will be conducted virtually using ZOOM
  • Morning Devotion
    8:45 am – 9:00 am: led by Rev. Melton Arant
  • Safe Sanctuary Training
    9:00 am -11:30 am: led by Rev. Katherine Haselden Crimm
  • Bondaries & Ethics
    1:00 pm – 2:30 pm: led by Rev. Cathy Joens
  • Required Materials that you should have available for each class:
    • a Bible,
    • a UM Hymnal
    • the 2016 Book of Discipline

Register Now

$25 Registration Fee

Persons who have completed  at least one-third of their work for a Master of Divinity degree at a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶315.2c) may be exempted from Sessions 2 & 3. The Office of Clergy Services and the Director of the Licensing School will determine if a person is eligible to exempt Sessions 1 & 2 in conjunction and consultation with your District Superintendent.  All persons expecting to be appointed for the first time must attend Session 3.


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