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IMG_7819-webThe Columbia district Barbecue Bash was held Saturday March 19th at Trinity United Methodist Church in Blythwood. The event, which had about 160 clergy and laity in attendance raised $4145 for Imagine No Malaria, part of the conferences initiative to raise One million dollars to fight malaria in Africa.

Imagine No Malaria

Imagine No Malaria

“The Columbia District received not only food for the body – delicious BBQ – but more importantly, food for the spirit.  Bishop Holston inspired us to be committed and bold leaders who take faith beyond the church, to impact the community.  His enthusiasm was contagious!” said Rev. Cathy Jamieson-Ogg, Columbia District Superintendent. 

Rev. Jeffrey Salley, Columbia Congregational Specialist said, “I am grateful for the Columbia District, the South Carolina Annual Conference and United Methodist Churches, for having hearts of compassion to help persons affected with Malaria. A special thanks for stepping up and being agents of transformation.”

“I’m so grateful the leaders of the Columbia District churches led by example by giving from their own pocket books and wallets to support Imagine No Malaria.” said Rev. Jeri-Katherine Warden, SC Imagine No Malaria Coordinator. “I hope their giving will inspire congregants all over the Columbia District and South Carolina Annual Conference to give generously, knowing that when we pull our resources together God is able to do amazing, world-changing ministry through our offering. Thank you!”

To learn more about Imagine No Malaria and how you can help us reach our goals and saves lives go to:

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