In an effort to be as transparent as possible, the S.C. Conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits reported the conference’s proposed group health costs for 2018 somewhat differently in pre-conference materials distributed to delegates to the Annual Conference Meeting scheduled for June in Greenville.
Some confusion has arisen because of this change from how these numbers have been reported in years past, and we apologize for that. We hope the following explanation clears that up:
- The TOTAL COST of each plan by coverage tier is found in Paragraph 3.d of Report Number Six on pages 26-27 of the pre-conference packet.
- The DEFINED CONTRIBUTION – the portion paid by the local church/charge – is found in paragraph 3.c of Report Number Six on page 26 of the preconference packet.
- The NET COST of coverage – the portion paid by the individual – is calculated by taking the total cost of the plan selected and subtracting the defined contribution. The chart below does this, with the net cost of medical shown in red:
* Default Plan: Participants who fail to make an election will automatically default to Consumer Driven Health Plan C2000 P2.
Dental and vision costs are as shown in the pre-conference materials.