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Bishop Fairley names members of Jeremiah Teams

Bishop Fairley names members of Jeremiah Teams “Do not say, I am only a boy; for you shall go to all whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you.” – Jeremiah 1:7 Jeremiah’s recounting of God’s call on his life reminds us that God has an amazing knack...

“Jeremiah Teams” to help align conference with Our 4 Priorities

A New Hope: God’s Promised Future South Carolina Conference leaders are taking concrete and practical steps to transform how the conference is structured, how it operates, and how it aligns with “Our 4 Priorities” – encouraging South Carolina United Methodists...

“Become more fruitful in ministry with children”

Conference awarded $1.1 million grant to develop intergenerational ministry centered on children For years, churches have sought ways to be more fruitful in ministry with children. Soon, United Methodist churches in South Carolina will have new tools to support this...

COVID-19 forces Salkehatchie to cancel 2021 camps

The Salkehatchie Summer Service Board of Managers made the tough decision to cancel the 45 Salkehatchie camps for this summer. As much as everyone misses the blood, sweat and tears of Salkehatchie, several factors and opinions were considered in making the final...