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2024 Spartanburg District Lenten Services

The Spartanburg District is hosting special services during the season of Lent called “Lent Together.”  These worship opportunities are hosted by six churches and a free lunch follows each service.  The first service is on February 21 at St. James UMC. ...

Apportionment giving remained strong in 2023

Apportionment giving by South Carolina United Methodists remained strong in 2023 – nearly reaching the 90 percent level. The 2023 rate of 88.9 percent was down slightly from 89.2 percent in 2022, said Beth Westbury, conference treasurer and director of administrative...

International African American Museum “shows us the hope of who we are becoming”

CHARLESTON – The International African American Museum tells the unvarnished stories of the African American experience across generations and continents, the trauma and triumph that gave rise to a resilient people. The museum is located at Gadsden’s Wharf – the site...

SEJ leaders: Reduce number of episcopal areas, elect no bishops in 2024

The Committee on the Episcopacy of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of The United Methodist Church is recommending a reduction in the number of episcopal areas within the jurisdiction to 10 from the current 13 – a significant change in the SEJ’s organization and...

Spartanburg District special classes to be held

The Spartanburg District is opening a special session of classes to help enlighten us about two illnesses that are impacting so many lives every day. Soul Reset: Breakdown, Breakthrough, and the Journey to Wholeness – with Ms. Eugenia Young and Ministry with the...

Winter Hours for local house of hope

The Grace and Mercy Hope House, a ministry of Beaumont United Methodist Church, announces a new winter schedule.   The organization will be open Wednesday, December 20 from 12 to 5pm and closed the week of Christmas.  Beginning January 3rd, they will be open on...