Lord, Create in us the will to make a society where my black brothers and sisters can feel as safe as I do jogging through the neighborhood. Give us eyes to see the injustice that on our own we might choose to be blind to. Give us hearts that break over it. And give...
Dear Lord, I pray for all of your children everywhere. Please Lord, forgive us and help us to forgive one another. Please heal all who are hurting and bereaved. Please protect and deliver the homeless. Please heal the land of COVID-19 and of everything that is coming...
Father God, heal our land so that we may be kinder to one another; give us the ability to recognize truth and not be fooled by false news and information; and remind us that You are with us always. Protect us from the ravages of the virus, and guide our leaders in...
Father God, thank You for Your love for each and every one of us. Help us to hold fast to our faith during these very troubled times. Help us to remember that You promise to be with us in ALL things, both good and bad. We pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus...
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in Jesus’ Holy Name to worship, praise and glorify you. I also come to request that you cover us all in your son’s blood that he shed on Calvary for us. I ask that you restore all things that Satan and his fallen ones...