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Bishop Holston: Voting is an opportunity to witness to our faith

Voting is more than simply saying what we believe. It is a sharing of faith, a tangible witness of love of God and love of neighbor. Voting is a way to acknowledge that we are one community, all in this together.

2020 South Carolina Annual Conference

Watch the replay of AC2020: First all-virtual AC2020 completed smoothly amid pandemicSome 1,000 lay and clergy members participated in the 2020 South Carolina Annual Conference on Saturday, Oct. 17 – the first time members have convened in an all-virtual session amid...

LSM Laity/Clergy Partnership Service set for Oct. 9

Lay Servant Ministries’ Laity/Clergy Partnership and Awards Service is scheduled this year as a virtual event on Friday, Oct. 9, at 6 p.m.The Rev. Jeffrey Salley, senior pastor of the Canaan-Sand Hill charge, will deliver the message.Awards will be announced for...