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Bishop Holston seeks Pentecost prayers for justice and peace amid racial tension, unrest

Bishop L. Jonathan Holston, resident bishop of the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, released this statement regarding racial tension and unrest across the nation: My friends, as we celebrate Pentecost – that joyous day when the Holy Spirit...

Bishop Holston: No in-person gatherings through June 10; services may restart June 14

Bishop L. Jonathan Holston, resident bishop of the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, released this statement regarding the latest guidance in response to the coronavirus pandemic in our state: Friends, I continue to be inspired by the creative...

Bishop Holston’s statement on shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery

Bishop L. Jonathan Holston, resident bishop of the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, released this statement regarding the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia: The video images of the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old who...

Bishop Holston’s Daily Prayers (Text Archive)

Bishop L. Jonathan Holston invites South Carolina United Methodists and others to join him in daily prayer. Texts of each month’s prayers are posted on the last day of the month. 2023 December November October September August July June May April March February...

Bishop Holston: Suspend all in-person gatherings through May 20

Bishop L. Jonathan Holston, resident bishop of the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, released this statement regarding the latest guidance in response to the coronavirus pandemic in our state: South Carolina United Methodists continue to...

2020 South Carolina Annual Conference postponed due to pandemic

The 2020 South Carolina Annual Conference session will be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A new date has not been set, but conference leaders are exploring alternatives – all of which would make the health and safety of attendees the top priority.The annual...