Oct 6, 2016 | Communications, Disaster Response
South Carolina is once again feeling the brunt of a powerful hurricane that has the potential to endanger lives and cause widespread property damage. With the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of our fellow South Carolinians from coastal communities, lives already...
Oct 6, 2016 | Conference Updates
Commission on the Way Forward: Membership Selection Progresses Washington, D.C.: The Executive Committee of the Council of Bishops has narrowed the list of potential nominees for membership on the Commission on the Way Forward from over 300 persons to 29. The group...
Oct 5, 2016 | Conference Updates
As Hurricane Matthew approaches the South Carolina coast, we pray for the safety of everyone in the storm’s path. We urge people to take precautions and evacuate coastal areas as ordered by state officials. We know that in these times, people, especially...
Oct 4, 2016 | Conference Updates
Tri District Clergy Gathering (Florence, Hartsville, and Marion) Remembering One’s Call: Fanning the Flame Presenter: Bishop Kenneth Carder Registration to include lunch: $10 (no refunds) Registration ends October 24th. .5 CEUs Date of Event: Thursday, October 27    ...
Oct 3, 2016 | Flood Recovery
Five women from the Godwin-Pate Circle of Edisto Island United Methodist Church spent a week in Louisiana at the UMCOR Sager Brown Warehouse making flood buckets for the victims of the floods in Louisiana. Judy Blancett, Melinda Hester, Gerri Hutto, Violet McKenney,...