Feb 24, 2016 | Conference Updates
Check out the latest edition of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate newspaper, online now at www.advocatesc.org. This month’s free stories include a beds for kids ministry in Florence, new staff for UMCSC flood relief, an overview of Annual Conference,...
Feb 23, 2016 | Conference Updates
Stewardship Summit set for March in Simpsonville Dr. Kennon Callahan will be the featured speaker at a daylong Stewardship Summit next month offered by the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church. Set for Saturday, March 5, at Simpsonville UMC, the...
Feb 23, 2016 | Flood Recovery
Manning SC – The Benbo home in Manning, SC was severely damaged after the historic flooding in SC.  Recovery teams from all over the country have given their time, efforts and skill to helping the Benbo family recovery. North Augusta, United Methodists...
Feb 11, 2016 | Imagine No Malaria
Daily INM Lenten Devotionals available every day throughout Lent on Facebook andINM.UMCSC.org. View the Calendar of giving here
Feb 10, 2016 | Imagine No Malaria
Daily INM Lenten Devotionals available every day throughout Lent on Facebook and INM.UMCSC.org. View the Calendar of giving here