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May Advocate now online

The May edition of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate newspaper is online now at  This month’s free stories include how South Carolina delegates are heading to General Conference, a feature about Waters Edge UMC’s new church...

Advocate Awareness Day is on May 22

The 179-year-old South Carolina United Methodist Advocate newspaper will celebrate Advocate Awareness Day on May 22 with a speaker and subscription campaign at United Methodist churches across South Carolina. Clergy are asked to help their congregations know about the...

Strength for Service Outreach

The Strength for Service board hopes to provide police officers, fire fighters, first responders and military personnel with 100,000 copies of Strength for Service on or before the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attack upon the World Trade Center and the Pentagon....

Have a bite to eat, stop a bite that kills

Have a bite to eat, stop a bite that kills. World Malaria Day April 25th, 2016 If you own a restaurant or know someone that does and would like to download the participation form, click the link below Restaurant Signup Forms: World Malaria Day printable...