May 10, 2016 | Conference Updates
Columbia, SC – The South Carolina Conference is in prayer for all those connected with the St. John’s United Methodist church family in Lugoff. Recent reports of an arrest for breach of trust with fraudulent intent and forgery remind us that churches are...
May 10, 2016 | Conference Updates, GC2016
It’s Finally Here! Friends, The 2016 General Conference is finally here. Some 864 lay and clergy from around the world have assembled in Portland, Oregon. Beginning with a time of confession and pardon that moves into a time of thanksgiving, these delegates will...
May 6, 2016 | Conference Updates
Immerse is ready to help young people go deeper in their faith in 2016. Immerse will again be on campus at Spartanburg Methodist College on July 7-10. Immerse is designed for Christian teenagers in South Carolina who have a desire to grow deeper in their faith and...