“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.” Ephesians 2;14
This word from the writer James Baldwin rings ever true in the past as it does in the ebb and flow of this present day; namely, “Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.” Therefore, as Resident Bishop of the South Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church, I stand with Governor Nikki Haley and support the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the state house grounds. As a people of faith committed to social justice, we are called to work together in our churches and communities to break down the dividing walls between individuals and groups in our midst. At this time in our history, the presence of the Confederate flag on the state house grounds is a source of division among the people of South Carolina.
The history of slavery, discrimination and racism is as much a reality in our state as is the history of fierce independence and pride in family heritage. Now is the time for us to acknowledge that our collective history is complex and multifaceted. Now is the time for us to have honest conversation about the pain in our history in order for us to move forward with a renewed commitment to unity and the common good. I support the removal of the Confederate flag because today it is time to be a South Carolina which embraces, loves and supports all people.
So, let’s reach out, join hands and become the people God can use.
Bishop L. Jonathan Holston